To pay for your order, you must have a customer account with Les Publications du Québec or use your Visa or MasterCard credit card.
» Open a customer accountDistributors
To pay for your order, you must have a customer account with Les Publications du Québec or use your Visa or MasterCard credit card.
» Open a customer accountShipping in Canada
You should expect it to take approximately three to five working days to receive your order.
Ground shipping only.
Shipping to the United States
You should expect it to take approximately four to six weeks to receive your order.
Ground shipping only.
Shipping outside Canada and the United States
Please contact:
Libris Express
8517 avenue des Belges
Montréal, Québec H2P 2B5
Phone: (514) 278-8662
There are no reimbursements for Internet subscriptions
*Discount percentages apply solely to the user number ranges to which they refer.
Example of a $15 subscription ordered for 25 users:
Quantity discounts are granted, according to the table below, to non-retail customers upon the purchase of several copies of the same title:
Returns of regular products
Any return of merchandise must be pre-authorized. You must initiate a return.
Barring exceptions, return shipping is at your expense and is payable to your carrier.
The time you have to initiate a return varies according to your customer category:
Returns of special products
Return address
Les Publications du Québec
350 de Copenhague, Local 130-3
G3A 2H3